Oct 30, 2018
You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. How to Fix Common Xbox 360 Wireless Networking Problems May 08, 2020 How do I connect my 360 to the internet? : xbox360
Depending on what model 360 you have, you might need a WiFi dongle to enable it to connect to your home WiFi, alternatively you can hardwire it using an ethernet cable. The 360 S comes with Wireless N/G/B built-in, older models still require the adapter. View entire discussion (5 comments)
Oct 30, 2018
You can most certainly connect your Xbox to your modem if you want. Obviously that would be the only device that could communicate with your ISP. However, if the purpose of your question is to get better response time for gaming then you may want to look into replacing your router.
How to connect xbox 360 to hotel internet - YouTube Nov 29, 2013 Connect your Xbox 360 console to Xbox Live using a Windows Start your web browser and try to connect to the Internet. If you cannot connect to the Internet, make sure that you are sharing the primary Internet connection in step 3. . Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the network port on your computer. Plug the other end of the network cable into the back of your Xbox 360 console. . Connect Your Xbox 360 Online Using Your Laptop (Simplified To do this, you will need: - An Xbox 360 - A laptop (Vista in this instructable) - An Ethernet cord long enough to connect the 360 to the laptop - Wireless router / Wireless internet connection - Some essential snacks while playing with buddies online (my favorite part) How to connect your Xbox to your Android phone and Apple