Type your email address and any selected Display name, then click Next. Note: be sure to take a note of the specific Display Name. Fill the mail settings as following: - smtp.gmail.com - 465 - Check the box next to SSL - Check the box next to the SMTP Authentication option - Type your full gmail address as teh user name and type the gmail password.

Enable SMTP mail with gmail - YouTube Jan 11, 2017 How to: Configure Gmail SMTP as Messaging Server (working Configure Gmail SMTP as Messaging Server on CPPM 6.9.1 . CPPM version: . 1. Select Administration / External Servers / Endpoint Context Servers / Add. 2. In Server tab, input the following. Select Server Type: Generic HTTP Context Server Server Name: mail.google.com Server Base URL: https://mail.google.com Validate Server: Check Enable to validate the server certificate

Setup SQL Server Database Mail to use a Gmail, Hotmail, or

Error in setting gmail account for SMTP mail settings I am trying to set up my gmail account in mail settings, so that I can get an email when ever an alarm is triggered. SMTP server: smtp.gmail.com From: example@gmail.com Port: 465 Use authentication: yes Login: example@gmail.com Password: gmail password Setting Up Office 365 SMTP Settings (2020 Guide) Jul 02, 2020

I am sending mail via gmail SMTP account by adding below in Global.asax file - WebMail.SmtpServer = "smtp.gmail.com"; WebMail.SmtpPort = 587; WebMail.EnableSsl = true; WebMail.UserName = "accname@

IMAP, POP, and SMTP | Gmail IMAP | Google Developers Jan 31, 2019 Here Are the IMAP Settings You Need to Set up Gmail Jul 02, 2020 What is my SMTP - smtp mail server - professional SMTP Most server names are written in the form “smtp.domain.com” or “mail.domain.com”: for instance, a Gmail account will refer to smtp.gmail.com. But that’s not a unified rule, so you should pay attention and get the right SMTP parameters. How? There are several ways to know your SMTP server name.